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What Is My
Life Philosophy?


Stonestreet has covered a lot of content in this course, and it has hopefully given you much to think about.  What are your general assumptions about the world?  The ideas upon which you base all your life choices do have consequences.  Neglecting to think about these ideas does not mean they are not there.  Asking questions is important. Consider the following:

  • Why is there something rather than nothing?
  • Do I have a purpose?
  • Is there a God?
  • How do I know anything to be true?
  • Where is it all going, and how does it end?

Once you start asking these questions, you then have to believe something about where to find those answers.  What sources of truth do you accept as trustworthy?  It may seem like the questions go on forever, but invariably you come back to just a few basic questions.  So what is your life philosophy? How (if at all) has it changed during this course experience?  Continue to think about these things and dig deeper. Free Thinkers never stop asking questions in search of the truth.

resources for further study2

life phil-o-sophy  n.  a. What I believe is true.  b. The principles upon which I make the decisions of my life.  c. The ordered result of free-thinking people.