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Conclusion: An Apology

To conclude this course, read the following short article by Davis, in which he summarizes many of his main points and offers a final charge (Source).

“An Apology”

The Christian church owes an apology to the [millions of] individuals in our world currently infected with HIV/AIDS.

Those of us who claim to follow Christ’s teachings should be ashamed for what little we’ve done to help the countless millions of women, children and orphans who have died or are dying. Entire nations are going up in flames while we watch them burn.

Bono and the supporters of the ONE Campaign are right when they use words like “crisis” and “emergency” when talking about the situation in Africa. The continent is on fire with AIDS and unless drastic action is taken, entire countries will be wiped off the face of the planet by this disease.

AIDS sign in Tanzania

AIDS sign in Tanzania

Sadly, the church has been slow to act in response to this crisis.

Like the priest and Levite of Jesus’ parable, we have passed by the man on the side of the road, too busy or to “holy” to involve ourselves in lending a helping hand.

Africa is indeed on fire. But as we argue or fuss about how it started and who should be saved first, thousands more children are orphaned each day. Every hour, another 1,000 children will die. Did you know that you are just a short plane ride away from a world where 8-year-old girls prostitute themselves for food?

The true state of emergency lies within the church-it lies within us. It’s our problem. We can’t leave Africa’s children lying by the side of the road as we pass on by. The Gospel I believe in offers a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name. The only Gospel worth living is the one that incarnates love. The only Gospel worth giving my life for is the one that elevates the needs of others above my own.

Perhaps we’re afraid. Perhaps we don’t have enough information. Perhaps we’re lazy. Whatever the excuse, we’re running out of time. We need to do something. Today. History will judge our generation on how we responded to the AIDS crisis. History will judge the church on how it responds.

But there is hope.

We can make a difference. We can change the world. When we exchange our apathy or uncertainty for compassion, we can move from apology to action. And out of action springs hope-hope and life.

So, on behalf of the church…I am sorry.

Now, let’s get moving. We’ve got a lot of lives to save.

Welcome to the revolution.

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