The Booker T. Washington Scholarship Awards are part of the grassroots "learn-to-earn" movement.
This Scholarship Award aims to empower young adults with key principles of life stewardship that will make them more impactful citizens - as citizens of heaven and citizens of their nation.
Named after Booker T. Washington, who rose through difficult circumstance to model stewardship in all of its dimensions, these scholarship awards are offered by individual sponsors to students who complete the courses and activities summarized below. The sponsor is able to use this scholarship platform as a way to "unlock" funding relating to education expenses and cross-cultural learning opportunities for students who complete the learning requirements. Free Think University will send a certificate of completion to the student once the requirements are met, so the Award can be referenced on applications and resumes.
How Can You Best
Steward Your Talent?What is the purpose of talent? How can talents and gifts be utilized best? Read, think, and examine your own philosophy and practice of talent stewardship.
1000 pts | Economics and Enterprise -
How Can You Best
Steward Your Time?What does it mean to be a good steward of time? If time is a resource, how should we manage it? Read, reflect, and activate what it is to be a good steward of your time.
1000 pts | Economics and Enterprise -
How Can You Best
Steward Your Treasure?Who owns your possessions? If your things belong to someone else, how should you go about managing? Consider your philosophy and plan for financial stewardship.
1000 pts | Economics and Enterprise
How Can You Best Give,
Save and Spend?How can you honor God and others with your financial stewardship? Consider this biblical and practical advice for giving, saving, and spending for what matters most.
1000 pts | Economics and Enterprise -
Do You Have a Life
Stewardship Strategy?Manage your life with purpose. Learn from the life and teachings of famous educator Booker T. Washington, and choose a life that makes a difference.
1000 pts | Character and Life -
How Much Land
Does a Man Need?How much is enough? Read Tolstoy's classic short story about the man seeking to own enough land to make him happy. Does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul?
1000 pts | Character and Life -
Why Does Creation
Care Matter?Can we leave our planet better for the next generation? Join celebrities, activists, scientists and others in considering how we can best steward our environment?
1000 pts | Political Correctness -
So...Are You
Grateful?It was Cicero who claimed that "Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all others." Was he right? And if he was, are you grateful?
1000 pts | Character and Life -
Can You Close the
Generational Gap?Do you work closely with anyone outside your own generation? Intergenerational relationships are key to success. Who can you develop a mentoring relationship with?
1000 pts | Character and Life