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Free Think U is proud to announce the top 3 prize winners in the Holiday Social Media Contest! After a close competition between many of the students, here’s how the judges determined the final breakdown:

1)      Lydia Wallie

2)      Justice Worden

3)      Ashley Espie

Cash prizes of $250, $200 and $150 will be awarded to the first place through the third place finishers respectively. Each of these students participated in the contest by commenting on the Free Think U Facebook page, asking questions, “liking” status updates and otherwise engaging some of the important ideas that Free Think U promotes.

The Holiday Social Media Contest took place from December 24th to January 15th. The contest was intended to encourage students to dialogue with each other about the important issues that are facing our country. Free Think U believes that knowledge is important, but we also believe that acting on that knowledge is equally important.

Thomas Jefferson said, “Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing.” Free Think U’s Holiday Social Media Contest was intended to encourage such action.

Thanks to everyone for participating and we encourage you to continue to be a part of the “Great Conversation” through social media and in other ways in the months to come! Stay tuned to our website ( for more opportunities to win cash prizes and scholarships.