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By Jack Lewis | Free Think U Foundation is proud to announce another of its recent scholarship winners, Jon Bell, who is enrolled at Harvard through its Extension program.

Jon was awarded a $2,000 grant, in part for his design work relating to the new Free Think University 2.0 website re-design.  Jon is a social media and UI/UX specialist who is enrolling at Harvard through its online extension program.

“Free Think University has the potential to be a kind of killer app. We need a Khan Academy for the Big Questions that students are asking that shape the way we view the world and our ability to shape it.  Free Think U can be that, and I’m excited to be a part of it.”

Jon has interacted with staff and students at Free Think U and made quite an impression.

“I think he is an amazing young talent,” said Jim Van Eerden, Free Think University co-founder.  “He understands how to optimize the online user experience in ways that our students think is pretty remarkable.”

In addition to Jon’s work on the web page, he has helped design the interface for the UP! Scholarships platform ( and is currently working on the new course template for Free Think University’s library of course experiences which will be available to students in the Fall of 2013.

Jon is an example of the kind of student Free Think U wants to reward.

“We’re identifying and rewarding students who represent the next generation of leadership in America, and Jon Bell will be a leader,” Van Eerden said.